So Many Books! Fiction, Non-fiction & Kids books!

Explore our NEW eBay shop for special book deals or visit the Ashland Library in person to browse our extensive hallway selection of books, audiobooks, and DVDs for sale. Be sure to visit the paperback rack near the copy machine too. Load up for reading now and later. Something for everyone – fiction and non-fiction for adults, teens, & kids.
Want to donate books or media? Step 1: Check the signs on the library doors or call the Library to see if donations are being accepted. Step 2: Be sure to read our Donation Guidelines before bringing in your stash.
Upcoming Events at the Ashland Library
Here’s some info about upcoming events at the Ashland Library. Check out the Pamunkey Regional Library Calendar below. Dozens of events are held at the Ashland Branch and the other branches of the Pamunkey Regional Library system each month. Use the Category and Branch filters to find programs of interest to you. Or, drop by the library to pick up a schedule and fliers on programs that interest you. Many events are videotaped and can be viewed at the Library’s YouTube channel. For more information or questions about any upcoming event or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact or call the Ashland Branch at 804-798-4072.